At the beginning of the year, I saw that Miranti of Pen + Peplum was starting her own weekly project #52handlettered. Being a huge fan of not only Miranti's blog, but her work and style, I knew I wanted to get involved with this project using the prompts she puts up at the beginning of each month. Sadly, we're already 14 weeks in to the project and I'm only now just finding the time to take part.
After making the promise to myself at the beginning of the year to do more and share more, I feel that it's about time I start this hand lettering project and see if I can master a skill I've been keen to do more of for the last several months. I'm so inspired by the work of Miranti, as well as the likes of Jasmine and Molly. I've only briefly before done some hand lettering but would love to be able to get to a point where I'm really happy with my own style and can start incorporating that in to client projects.
The prompt for week 14 is 'foreign words' and as a lover of the French language, I was keen to find a phrase that inspired and fits in with the current time. Maintenant ou jamais is a phrase that does just that, meaning now or never in English. Being at a point in my life since 2011 where I feel back to my 'normal, healthy' self, I really want to push myself to work hard and to improve my standard of work.
Just like the promise I made myself at the beginning of the year to do more and do better, I'm hoping to continue with the #52handlettered project throughout the rest of the year. As well as my Stamp Series, I'm sure this is going to keep me busy and on my feet. Are there any weekly projects you're currently doing or taking part in?
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