The prompt for week 17 of the #52handlettered project is my signature style. I've chosen not to go down a fashion style route with this prompt as I wouldn't have a clue what my 'signature style' would be in that sense. I like clothes I like and dress for how I'm feeling so I decided to go a little bit obscure with this one and turn it round to mean my signature style with my work.
From an early age, I've always shown a major interest in drawing and even when I went for interviews to get in to my chosen university, I was questioned by one of the tutors as to whether I should really look at an illustration course. Although it was my first passion, graphic design is something I wanted to learn more about and explore that avenue.
In a way, my passion for illustration is quite prominent in my graphic design work (which you can see in my portfolio) so I guess if I had to describe my signature style, it would be illustrative. I like the combination of the two and how they can be intertwined in my work.
I've combined this week's prompt with some illustrations I did for a children's story colouring book as part of my degree show at university and I just had to try something a little different with the lettering on this one. I love the contrast between the bronze foil and the monotone illustrations. This is by far my favourite in the project and I'm looking forward to seeing what the prompts for May will be.
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