With my recent personal project #clrkllystampseries showcasing on my Instagram receiving more response than I expected and some absolutely lovely comments, I've been thinking a lot lately about the benefits of sharing work. Whilst at University, this blog was my one and only platform for showcasing my current projects, thought processes and final pieces. Although I pushed my posts on Twitter (and occasionally Facebook), this blog was the reason I managed to get my first freelance gig. It was also the door to an internship at a local graphic design agency and the opportunity to meet with a highly respected design agency in Birmingham for a portfolio review.
Since leaving University I found my focus shift more and my spare time become lesser, meaning my blog was neglected. Spending most hours of my day either interning and working to pay the bills or spending hours looking for that first step into my 'dream career', my posts became less often and my drive to keep up with the blogging world dwindled.
Sharing work can be scary at times as you are opening yourself and your style to others. Some might like it and some might hate it, but having such positive feedback from my Stamp Series has made me feel more confident and has given me the drive to want to share my work. I'm not saying that overnight you'll see me in a blogging frenzy, sharing everything I do but I want to be able to showcase the work I'm proud to have done and have the opportunity to work on.
With my new frame of mind and passion in place, I've spent the last few evenings working on the above mood board to coincide with my blog rebrand. To me, it's important to have a platform that visually satisfies me and makes me want to build on that. I've still got a fair bit to work on until my blog is finished but in the meantime I am happy with the direction it has taken and hope that you enjoy it too!
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